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MOXY Hotel proposal loses some height

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Rendering of the new Graves Hospitality proposal | Collage Architects

Plans for a hotel in the Uptown neighborhood recently were changed due to neighborhood opposition.

We wrote a few weeks ago about a new hotel proposed for the Uptown neighborhood. The developer, Graves Hospitality, planned to bring a 9 story hotel with 144 rooms to a busy intersection. The hotel was to be under the MOXY brand, a new hotel chain aimed at millennials developed by Marriott (to learn more about the hotel read our previous post here).

This week the developers came back to the city with new plans for a shorter hotel on the corner of Lake and Emerson. Scaled down by three stories, the proposed hotel now stands at 6 stories at the front and five stories or 58 feet at the back. With the reduction in height came a reduction in number of hotel rooms down from 140 to 123.

As far as the rest of the details for the project they've remained the same. A restaurant is still planned for the ground floor and the hotel is still expected to fall under the Moxy brand, making it one of the first in the country.

We'll have more information regarding this project once it heads to the Minneapolis Planning Commission meeting on February 8th.