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A large expansion is planned for the Center for Performing Arts in the Kingfield neighborhood.

Located at 3754 Pleasant Avenue, the four-story, 23,319 square foot expansion would be attached to an existing three-story building that was constructed in 1923.

The Center for Performing Arts (CfPA) provides students, teachers, and performing artists with studio, dance, and rehearsal space. In addition, the center provides offices for creative and support professionals, a community garden, a residential floor and meeting space. The center has proved to be overwhelming successful since its creation which has created a need and demand for additional space.

Plans for the expansion include a new public entrance and β€œporch” to the center that would be provided off of 38th street. Running between the original and new building on the ground floor would be a large lobby. Located off of that lobby would a performance space along with a set of stairs at the back that would lead to the first floor of the existing building. The upper three floors of the expansion would be home to additional performance and rehearsal spaces along with offices.

The exterior of the expansion would sport a modern design and would be clad in metal panel, concrete, fiber cement panels and wood. A large use of special metal paneling on the exterior will allow the building over time to rust to create a color that matches the masonry of the existing building, linking the two together buildings together in a unique way.

Alliiance Architecture is the firm working on the design of the project and Stahl Construction will act as the general contractor.

The project will still need to go before the Minneapolis Planning Commission with construction likely beginning in 2020.