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Developer CA Ventures is looking to redevelop nearly ¾ of a city block in the heart of Dinkytown.

Planned for the corner of SE 4th Street and 15th Avenue SE, the redevelopment would feature a seven-story, 484,200 square foot building that would include 300 apartments (834 bedrooms) and 29,800 square feet of ground floor commercial space.

The site that the project would be built upon is an assemblage of six different parcels of land located along 4th Street SE, 5th Street SE, 14th Avenue SE and 15th Avenue SE. Today the sites are home to surface parking lots and a number of one and two-story commercial buildings that house businesses such as Pagoda, Subway, TCF Bank, Pizza Hut, Dinkytown Liquors, and McDonald’s.


This isn’t the first proposal that CA Ventures has put forth for the site.

Earlier this year the developer was proposing a 16 or 25-story mixed-use building that they later cut down to ten stories. The city challenged the developer on the height of the project saying that it was not in line with the 2040 Plan and therefore asked them to go back to the drawing board. While the new proposal is significantly shorter, the overall size of the project site has grown to now include the commercial building that houses Pizza Hut, Subway and TCF Bank.

Before we share details on the new proposal, we do want to calm those who are freaking out over the potential loss of Dinkytown’s beloved McDonald’s location. We can confirm that McDonald’s is planning on opening a new restaurant within the new building once complete. #havenofeargophers

Intersection of 4th and 15th

Intersection of 5th and 15th

Intersection of 5th and 15th

Intersection of 5th and 14th

Intersection of 4th and 14th

Intersection of 4th and 14th

Streetscape view at through-block connection along mid 4th street

Streetscape view at 4th and 15th

Streetscape view at 5th and 15th

Streetscape view at through-block connection along 15th Avenue

Streetscape view at through-block connection along 14th Avenue


BKV Group is responsible for the design of the project. The seven-story building would actually appear somewhat as if it were three separate buildings that are linked via a glass enclosed walkway.

While the new building would technically stand seven-stories tall, a significant grade change on site would make the building look as it were only six stories tall along 14th Avenue SE.

The main entrance to the residential portion of the building would be located along 15th Avenue SE, the side in which the greatest grade change occurs. Another residential lobby would be located on the opposite side of the site near the corner of 14th Avenue SE and 5th Street SE.

One unique aspect of the project is that it would include affordable student housing units, a first for a new build project within the University of Minnesota surrounding area.

Additional notable items that the developer is planning as a part of the project include LEED Silver or MN B3 certification, pedestrian improvements, shared vehicles, enhanced exterior lighting and a recycling storage area. Other items planned include a reduced rate retail space, integrated and enhanced transit shelters, bicycle amenities, a public plaza and public art.

The total number of curb cuts providing transit access to the site would be reduced from the existing seven down to three. 279 parking spaces would be located within the building on one at grade level and one underground level. Access to the parking areas would be provided from a newly created alleyway that would be accessed from 4th Street SE, 5th Street SE and 14th avenue SE.


Plans for the Dinkytown McDonald’s Redevelopment went before the Minneapolis Planning Commission Committee of the Whole for feedback last month. The project is anticipated to go before the Minneapolis Planning Commission for approvals later this year.

If plans are approved, work on 407 15th Avenue SE could begin in Summer 2021.