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K.A. shows off new mixed-use development plans

There's been a bit of debacle going on for the last year or so regarding a company in Downtown Minneapolis that was looking to build a new headquarters on land they currently own. This issue? The city wouldn't give their approval on the preferred design.

We're talking about Kraus Anderson and their hopes to construct a new headquarters on 5th Avenue, a thoroughfare into Downtown Minneapolis from Interstate 35. The issue at hand was that when the plans were originally presented to the Planning Commission the design included far too much surface parking, a concept that the city of Minneapolis is currently trying to scale back in the Downtown area.

For a while it was unclear of what was exactly going to happen regarding Kraus Anderson and their home in Downtown Minneapolis. Some sources even were saying that the company would move it's headquarters elsewhere (most likely the suburbs).


Recently however Kraus Anderson brought forward new plans for the redevelopment of their current headquarters site. The new theme? Density.

Designed by Minneapolis based ESG Architects the site's second design includes far more than just a four story headquarters for Kraus Anderson. The project as a whole is meant to make this portion of Downtown Minneapolis a destination by including a brewery, seven story hotel, and a 17 story residential building.

Initial reactions show that it's just not the surrounding neighborhood that is excited about the project, but rather the city as a whole. This is just the type of project Downtown Minneapolis needs, especially in this portion of Downtown, an area which the development boom has yet to hit.

If approved by the planning commission the project could begin construction as soon as Spring 2016.

THE BREWERY and "brewtel"

Now what might be one of the most exciting aspects of this project is the planned brewery. Developers are in negotiations with Finnegan's, a local brewer under the banner of Summit in St. Paul. The brand is unique in the fact that it donates 100% of its commissions to the local community. Yes, 100%.

Finnigan's currently does not have its own brewing site instead it all occurs at Summit's brewery. That's where Kraus Anderson's project comes into plans.

Renderings show a large central "brew hall" building that would house Finnigan's. The building would be three stories tall and feature a very industrial look and feel. The building would also offer tours which would feed off the nearby Viking's stadium traffic.

Attached to the brewery would be a seven story hotel dubbed a "brewtel." It will feature 148 guest rooms and will be a boutique styled hotel. It will also feature a restaurant and bar and will be connected to the Finnigan's brewery and event space. 503 parking spaces will be available beneath the project and absolutely no surface parking will be constructed.


Plans for the project also include a 17 story residential building that would be home to 306 residential units. This is a welcomed addition for the neighborhood that has seen little to no residential units added in the list five years.

Recently however construction began on The Portland Tower, a 17 story condminum building. Plans also were announced this past year for a 11 story apartment building at 10th and Marquette.