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140 room hotel planned for Essex and Huron

Plans have surfaced showing more details for the hotel project planned for the corner of Essex Street and Huron Boulevard near the University of Minnesota campus. The project will be developed by CPM Development and could begin construction as soon as next month.

The design features a 5 story hotel standing 63 feet tall to be developed on an irregularly shaped site. Underground parking along with surface parking would provide space for 83 vehicles with entry of Huron Blvd. 140 rooms will be included in the project with the first floor including a 3,500 square foot restaurant and also a pool. The second floor would be devoted to meeting space and banquet facilities and along with a covered patio.

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Above: View from Huron Blvd SE (DJR Architecture / CPM Development)

Originally CPM Development planned to construct a 123 room hotel on the southwest corner of the road on a site that had been home to a few homes that were the property of CPM. Those homes were demolished last fall and the site sat primed for construction for what many believed would start this Spring. However, plans changed as they often do in the world of construction.

A deal changer came into play a few months ago when the University of Minnesota purchased the site from CPM in order to have space for future development. CPM still intended to develop a hotel in the area and was able to quickly find a space for the hotel project and purchased a site directly across the street from the former project. The site currently houses the EverFresh Food Corporation which will move and the building will be demolished.

The overall design of the project is an immense improvement from the first planned hotel. The lobby will located off of Huron Boulevard while outdoor seating for the restaurant and a pocket park will be located at the corner of Essex and Huron. The building had a bit of a challenge when it came to the design process as the site is quite irregular. The design ended up being heavily influenced by pedestrian areas.

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Above: Aerial view from Essex Street (DJR Architecture / CPM Development)

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Above: View from Huron Blvd SE (DJR Architecture / CPM Development)

Exterior renderings provided by DJR Architecture show a modern design that includes a large use of glass facing the street. The exterior of the building will include dark grey brick, stucco, and metal paneling.

CPM Development's project will go before the city planning commission on May 11th. A PROJECT PAGE featuring floor plans and more renderings will be available soon.