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What's on the rumor list?

Here's one of the latest rumors going around the city on a new retailer that is possibly opening up in the Duluth area...

Just when you thought the area had enough home improvement stores... another one pops into the picture. It's been a well known fact that Lowe's has been looking at the Duluth market for the past few years for a new location. They originally came close to actually purchasing some land in a development in Cloquet, but then backed out when the economy started to fail. Now it appears as if (according to rumors) they actually are coming to the area. Many sources have been saying different things, but all are pointing to Lowe's having purchased quite a few acres in either Duluth or Superior. Recently sources are saying that Lowe's has purchased the mobile home park between Menards and Walmart in Superior to build their new store. Other sources are saying that Lowe's is close to purchasing land up by the Miller Hill Mall. So I did some detective work to the best of my abilities and spoke to some Lowe's representatives, three actually, who all gave me different answers. The first openly stated that yes a store was coming to the Duluth area and that she would put in my contact with the person who could give me the information regarding the details of the store. The second told me that she did not see anything on her lists for openings within the next two years, however she said something could be in the works because usually when land is purchased it takes about two years for a store to open. She said that the store may not be on the list now, but it may in a month or two. And finally the third said, "We don't disclose information about upcoming or potential store locations." So there you have it folks! It's uncertain at this point whether there is truth in this rumor or not, and apparently the Lowe's representatives don't know either. If I hear something or am able to uncover something I'll be sure to post it right here on cdinduluth first!

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