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Super One begins renovation of Plaza Shopping Center location

In five months Super One will debut an entirely new look at their Superior Street location in East Duluth. The Duluth News Tribune spoke of the project today that will include a floor to ceiling renovation and even an expansion.

You might be asking yourself where in the world an expansion could occur in such a dense area... right next door is your answer.

The former Mr. Movies space along with a space behind the building will be used in order to expand the current store by 7,600 square feet bringing the total to 37,000 square feet, a 20 percent increase according to the DNT.

Above: Super One's newest store in Superior, WI

When the Plaza Shopping Center's renovation is complete the space will feature new flooring and display cases, restrooms, and an entirely new color scheme of gold, green, burgundy, and blue. That yellow that has been so prominently displayed in Super One stores over the years is taking a more muted placed within the new store design.

Above: New store interior design (DSGW Architects)

Besides the interior finishes of the space the deli will move to the southeast side allowing for the creation of a seating area that will look over Lief Erickson Park and of course the beautiful Lake Superior.

The Mr. Movies space once completely gutted and the walls separating the two spaces come down will become the produce area and open in August. Once the produce section moves it will allow for the renovation of the rest of the store to begin.

The exterior will also receive a renovation, sporting two entrances once complete and of course the exterior signature design that Super One has adopted over the years (pictured above).

The expansion and renovation is scheduled to be complete before the first of the year.

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