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Starbucks opening Friday, March 21st

Duluth's newest Starbucks location will open this coming Friday, March 21st.

Okay, okay... It was our bad last week that we kind of, sort of, created a hype over the Duluth's newest Starbucks location opening on Friday with a sneak preview Thursday night... and then it didn't. Yeah, we were incorrect. BUT, to our defense here is why. We had been in contact with various Starbucks representatives for the past few weeks in which we were given the information that last Thursday there was to be a preview event and Friday an official opening. Well, when some of you actually tried to go to the sneak preview event and then began letting us know that the store had yet to be finished, we know something was a little fishy. So, we contacted Starbucks again to find out that... well... they made a major mistake and accidentally told us the information for the new location opening in St. Cloud, MN. The Starbucks representative told us that our location would open this coming Friday, March 21st... 100% confirmed... not doubts... it's happening.

New Starbucks location at 1002 Woodland Avenue in Duluth, MN

The funniest thing about last email with Starbucks was the fact that Starbucks was "excited to serve [our] community at two new locations!" We think their representatives might need to a little more research on the physical store locations being the two stores are roughly 150 miles apart... But hey, when you have that Starbucks craving... distance is not a factor in finding that perfect cup of coffee.

We stopped by the construction site this past weekend and took some photos for you guys to see what the new location looks like... from the outside. It turned out really well we think. You can tell they are REALLY stressing the fact that this location has a drive-thru... there literally are signs everywhere. But hey, it is the only location in Duluth with a drive thru, so we will give them that and accept the drive thru excitement... through signage.

This will be the first Starbucks location in the Duluth area to feature a Drive Thru.

We couldn't see much of the interior, but did notice that it will definitely have a vintage feel to it. There are 19th century looking light fixtures with Edison bulbs running along the front window, along with lots of very nice wood furniture. It'll be quite the classy coffee shop. And yes, Starbucks does believe Spring will eventually come to the Northland, so you'll notice that the patio furniture is already in place!

We've included some pictures of the Mall of America Starbucks location in which many of the design elements of that store will be similar in the new Duluth store.

Starbucks is still hiring baristas for this location (and also their two other Duluth locations). The application can be found here.

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