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So remember the rumor about Dick's Sporting Goods? Might not be a rumor after all...

So I posted a few weeks back that there was a rumor going around about a possible new Dick's Sporting Goods location in Duluth, if you don't remember you can always search "Dick's Sporting Goods" in the search bar on the right side of the home page. Well this past week more information came out about the new possible Duluth location from a new source who always seems to be on the look out and seems to always hear the latest news, I myself would say one of the best sources for retail development in the city. Having been in close contact with the heads of the Miller Hill Mall, this source was able to find out that Dick's Sporting Goods may actually be opening shop in the Miller Hill Mall. Where might you ask is there room for a 35,000-50,000 square foot retailer? I asked myself the same question, but when hearing their planned location in the mall it all makes quite a bit of sense. It is said that Dick's Sporting Goods will be opening up in the former half of Old Navy, that large space could easily total almost 10,000 square feet itself, or even more. They are also said to be taking over the current Schmidt Music space (which will move to where Marine General either currently is or their former location by Finish Line), and undoubtedly they most likely will also take over the space that currently houses the St. Louis County Authority. All of that space easily could total 35,000 square feet, and there is even room to expand off to the side of the front of their space if need be. I am assuming that if this is true that Dick's Sporting Goods would have both a mall and exterior entrance to their store. By having such a large store coming into this space it would require that the mall parking lot be reworked in that area, hopefully making it more of an easily drivable curve instead of a square.
Mall officials have stated that they currently are not ready to announce the deal that is taking place for the former half of Old Navy, but only that there is indeed some plans in the works.

Part of me is really excited about this plan and really think it will draw quite a bit of people to the mall while adding life to the area of the parking lot that currently is pretty dull. However, I am also split on a big box moving in the mall as I feel that those really should stay as stand alone stores or in larger strip centers such as the Stone Ridge Shopping Center, unless the store can be classified as a department store. But, I am by no means against any type of development and am extremely excited that if this is true that Dick's Sporting Goods has made the effort to come to Duluth. I am certain they will not be disappointed, and heck! Maybe this will cause a little exterior renovation of the mall too!

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