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It opened for business essentially a month ago, and now we finally have some pictures to show off Duluth's fourth Starbucks location! If you haven't checked our the new location at the Shops at BlueStone, make sure to do so! It's beautiful and VERY different from what most Twin Ports have come to know from Starbucks.

We really couldn't get enough of this location. It features the newest prototype design being utilized by Starbucks, one that is reminiscent of the late 1800's, early 1900's, when it comes the pendant lighting and various picture lighting designs. It also features a very industrial palette of materials and color tones with the space being covered in various metals, tiled, and woods. That's one thing that sets newer Starbucks locations apart from their older designs. The use of wood is a high priority when it comes to the design of new locations. You'll notice in the new store there is a fireplace wall that also features small wood logs stacked up on each side of it. We're not talking about logs to burn, but actually logs set in the wall as a design element. It's all a part of making the space feel like a space you want to spend some time in. Read a book, sip some coffee (or two), and let a few hours pass by.

As a lot of national retailers have been recently figuring out, community has become a priority in the 21st century, especially when it comes to store design. Communities like to see that larger corporations take note of the community they are locating in and therefore that they also understand the community. Starbucks does so with it's new location by implementing touches of Duluth in black and white photographs that adorne the walls. One could also argue that the log design in the wall is also reminiscent of the Northwoods way of life. There also is pin up space for various events and concerts directly next to the entry. It's all about the connection to the great surrounding community.

There are various areas of seating within the space, including a lounge area in front of the fire place complete with leather furniture. There are two hightop bar seating areas that run along the windows, and an additional one that runs along the barista's work area. Another feature that has be popping up in a quite a number of new Starbucks locations is a communal table. It's a table that is large enough to seat all your friends, but also a space that causes strangers to mix and mingle in conversation. It's a great element for these newer locations and further proves how Starbucks is reinventing that modern coffee shop with a taste of the past. Starbucks, along with corporations such as McDonalds, are looking to make their locations feel more intimate and more higher end, without raising the prices of their products. They don't want you to feel like you're in one of 20,000 locations and we will 100% say that Starbucks has succeeded in achieving that goal with their newest location in Duluth.

Starbucks is located at 1010 Woodland Avenue in the new Shops at BlueStone development. This locations hours are 5:00am-10:00pm Monday - Thursday, 5:00am to 11:00pm Friday, 6:00am-11:00pm Saturday, and 6:00am-10:00pm Sunday.

Our View

We firmly believe that Starbucks went above and beyond for this new location. They created a space that the surrounding community can be proud of and one that can be seen as an asset to the area as it no longer is just "another chain." Starbucks has worked to establish a presence in the community that not only will make Starbucks proud, but also those individuals in the surrounding neighborhood and greater city. What is even greater about this location is that it brings things such as the Clover Brewing System and a Drive Thru to Duluth that are not already present in other Starbucks locations. So when you think about it, this is a whole new side of Starbucks that Duluthians are being introduced to...one we believe (actually know) you all will enjoy! So when you get a chance, treat yourself that a Starbucks Frappuccino now that Spring has actually arrived and check out all Starbucks has to offer at their newest Duluth location.

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