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PROJECT REVIEW: American Eagle Outfitters Remodel

American Eagle Outfitters completed the remodel of their Miller Hill Mall location last month... and we just now are getting to posting our pictures of the space! We promise we'll be quicker in the future!

If you've visited the mall recently, you've probably strolled past the renovated space, or hey, maybe you even gotten yourself some shorts and a tank with the wishful thinking that Spring (and maybe even summer) will actually come some day! The space received an extensive remodel of basically every surface... whether it involved tearing a portion out, or just refreshing it, it was a full update. What Duluthians now see from American Eagle Outfitters is their most current prototype, one of the first in the country. If you remember back when Abercrombie and Fitch and American Eagle Outfitters both called the Miller Hill Mall, you'd remember that had similar storefronts...really similar... so similar it actually sparked a lawsuit elsewhere in the country. Well, American Eagle Outfitters has taken a whole new design route for their current store prototype. The exterior facade of the space features whitewashed brick and large floor to ceiling glass display windows... meaning the white bead-board and navy accents are no more! The biggest design change that you'll probably notice is the fact there are no longer two entrances! Instead the entrance that was next to the former Select Comfort has been closed up and turned into more window space and selling space... meaning more clothes!

The interior of the store goes somewhat with the rustic vintage look that a lot of store prototypes are integrating into their store design recently. Large amounts of wood cover the space from the flooring, to the wall units, to the fixtures spread out on the floor. The retail selling floor has once again done a swap regarding what's being sold where (men's and women's are back to their original sides... as in years and years ago). The checkout area sports vintage light fixtures hanging and a refreshed counter area, while the fitting rooms sport a more modern look. And parents.... sorry... that lounge area near the fitting rooms has been removed for more selling space... so kids, be quick in trying those clothes on!

American Eagle Outfitters really did quite a nice job with this revamp. The great thing too is that they used a lot of local work to complete the project. That's what we like to see! If you haven't checked out the store yet, make it your next stop while at the Miller Hill Mall. After all, summer will eventually come... so it wouldn't hurt to check out some summer clothing to get you in the right mind set.

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