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New Year. New Name. New Mindset.

You've might of noticed, we've changed our name.

It was a hard decision to make, however it is one that we think will really help the website and blog in the years to come. Here's why we did it.

Over the years there have been questions of what CDINDULUTH actually stands for. When originally created it was to stand for Commercial Development IN DULUTH, over time though as we began reporting on more and more projects that weren't necessarily commercial, the C seemed to change in meaning. For the past five years CDINDULUTH seemingly stood for Current Development IN DULUTH.

Confusing right? That was just the start of it.

With the public not really knowing what our name stood for (and ourselves even questioning it), we often we received questions from people as to what our website was about. The name didn't really give any indication except for the fact that it was about something pertaining to Duluth.

Flash forward a few years to 2013 to when we introduced a sister website about development in Minneapolis. This time around when it came to the name we took a simple approach and just called it The Development Tracker | Minneapolis. With the new name, you couldn't miss the meaning of the website. That simple change made a world of a difference.

Now it's time for us to do the same for Duluth. We're proud to be introducing The Development Tracker | Duluth.

We're the same website as CDINDULUTH previously was, just better and easier to understand. There's no longer a question in regard to what our website is about as the name gives it away.

We track developments within the city of Duluth. Our goal is to report what is planned, under construction, or completed within the city. We're here to get a conversation going between developers, citizens, residents, business people, and the city itself. We're a website that is about all things development related, whether that be schools, housing, commercial spaces, etc.

We truly hope this change helps make a difference and while we may have been silent for quite sometime, expect that no more. We hope you'll love The Development Tracker | Duluth.

You can now visit our website by visiting www.tdtduluth.com or www.cdinduluth.com

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