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Need a drink? Two new drinking establishments are on their way!

Need a drink? Let's be honest, the Duluth area has no shortage of establishments that can quench your thirst. But what Duluth seems to lack is, not to put it bluntly, but it seems to lack some "classier" drinking establishments. We've seen a few added within the past five years such as Blackwood's take on a 40's lounge called Blackwater (in Greysolon Plaza), the addition of Zeitgiest Arts Cafe, Tycoon's Alehouse, and Fitger's RedStar and Rex nightclubs. But Duluth is about to welcome two new faces this coming fall. One we've already mentioned, the other is a new face to the scene!

It's getting closer...

We've reported about the Canal Park Brewery that is being built on the former site of the Duluth Spring Company in Canal Park, but well, we really just can't get enough of this development! It seems like it really is going to be quite the place, and oh yeah, from what their Facebook account shows, it looks like the beer is going to some of the best in the Duluth area if not the state. What else do we like about this development? The design of the building. Dealing with a narrow site, we give kudos to the architecture firm Wagner Zuan (They're Duluth based, click the link at the bottom to see their amazing work) who designed the building. It's simple in the fact that it fits in with the industrial feeling of Canal Park, but it's modern and extravagant at the same time with it clean lines and excellently designed interior. We've included more images at the bottom of the post in case you've forgotten what the building will look like. So now you're probably asking yourself the question of "When does this amazing and astounding place that I can't wait to go to open?" Well, the Duluth City Council just approved their liquor license so the officials at CPB say sometime in August is the goal! We'll keep you updated when the date firms up. Oh yes, and don't worry, the place does serve food also and we are quite certain that if the brews are as good as they are being described as, then the food will be right up there on the same level! Follow their Facebook page for more information and visit their AWESOME and CREATIVE website to learn more about the restaurant and brewery and also to apply for your dream job.




7 West Tap House

So this one is new news to me and to be honest there isn't much news at the current moment to report, but hey, at least we've got a little. It appears that a new bar is being constructed in the former Ragstock space at 7 West Superior Street in downtown Duluth. Ragstock moved next door into a larger more modern space next to their former space last year and with that move, prime retail space on Superior Street opened up. It appears that a new bar called "7 West Tap House" will open up hopefully before years end. Not much is known about the restaurant except that "Up North Taps, LLC" is developing it. But at least some more night life will be added to the area as the restaurant just recently was given approval for a liquor and wine license! Look wise for this bar space, I am hoping this bar will carry on the upscale trend that Blackwater, Tycoons and Zeitgiest has set in the area. More information to come!

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