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Mall Update!

Here's a quick mall update for you all!
Spencer's, as mentioned before, is currently closed and in it's remodeling process. They will reopen featuring their newest prototype on April 17th.

Motherhood Maternity officially opened their new store between Kay Jeweler's and Visionworks. They moved in order to make way for the new Coach store that will be constructed in their former space.

The St. Louis County Auditor opened their new office near J.C.Penny (literally behind Maurice's). The location turned out pretty well for them! Remember there is still NO mall access to the space though. Brave the elements people. Brave. The. Elements.

Dick's Sporting Goods is still chugging along on the construction of their new store. They are still on schedule to open in the fall.

Express will begin construction on their new store at the Miller Hill Mall in the former Abercrombie and Fitch space on April 15th. They are schedule to open still this spring... we're assuming June will be their opening date.

Lids may have appeared to close up shop, but actually was/is just remodeling. Doesn't appear to be much that actually changed within the space as they are now starting to put merchandise back in the store. Not really sure what is up with this one. They could possibly be rebranding the store to Hatworld location.

No word on any new retailers opening up shop in the mall. Still rumors swirling around about a possible Chipotle location opening up next to Noodles & Company on the streetscape. We still find that one a little iffy though. The mall originally was in talks with a Mongolian Grill for the space but those plans never came to fruition.

And there is your mall update folks!

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