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It's time for another mall update!

We're about a third of the way through winter... a winter that has so far been unseasonably warm. With that being said it really means only one thing! Construction season is fast approaching!

Winter hasn't stopped some projects for starting though. The Miller Hill Mall has entered the time of year where they begin new projects in preperation for the 2013 Christmas Holiday.

Many of you probably have noticed that not only is the DSW entrance now officially blocked off, but also the entire parking area from DSW over to the main mall entrance on that side has been fenced off and begun to be dug up. Yes. Construction on Dick's Sporting Goods has officially begun. Many sources keep referring to the project as the "Mall's Expansion" which to us seems very untruthful. A mall expansion makes it seem as if the mall is expanding their square footage to allow for additional tenants, this project really only applies to one specific tenant. However, a quick glance at the site could make someone think the mall is adding a significant amount of stores. A lot of people keep wondering why they have to fence off such a large site for the addition of space for Dick's Sporting Goods. Well, it's for two reasons actually. It allows for more workspace, but it also is in preparation for that portion of the parking lot to be reconfigured and rebuilt to include landscaping as the Duluth city code now requires. Look for significant construction to start soon as pavement has already been removed and construction equipment brought in.

What else is happening at the Miller Hill Mall? As with every new year, some tenants decide to spruce things up in their space or some are rather forced to as a part of their lease. The first renovation on the list this year will be the renovation of Spencer's Gifts. They will move to a temporary space somewhere in the mall that has yet to be released (We're assuming it will be the space H&R Block is temporarily occupying during the tax season (the former Marine General)). The renovation is expected to start in the end of February and will take most likely 2-3 months to complete. The new store will feature Spencer's Gifts newest prototype, one that gives the appearance of a warehouse style structure with graffiti covering the outer walls We've included a picture below.

No news regarding the vacant DQ/Orange Julius space yet, the former North Shore Bank space, or the interior space next to Dress Barn.

There is a rumor on the street right now regarding the vacant space next to Noodles and Company however. From what we've heard there are actually two rumors whirling around. The original rumor heard back when Noodles and Company was announced was that the mall was working on securing a mongolian grill to fill the rest of the space. The most recent rumor we are hearing is that Duluthian's hunger for a Chipotle might finally be filled. Various sources are reporting that they have heard that Chipotle is in talks with mall representatives on possibly leasing the space. However, we ourselves are not going to confirm this as true or not as we have yet to find any solidifying information. It would be a perfect space though as Chipotles and Noodles and Companies tend to come in pairs! Keep your fingers crossed!

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