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Great ready to be sippin' drinks on the patio

Well, this isn't about retail development... but we still think it's a good little post.
Grandma's Restaurant on Maple Grove Road in Duluth Heights has appealed to the city to allow them to add a patio to their restaurant. The patio would fill the awkward dead end parking area directly to the left of the building next to Mall Drive. They're talking to the city for an appeal to add a fence in a floodway. The patio would connect up with the current 190 square foot west patio on the right side of the building. The new patio would be 600 feet, have space for 40 (9 new tables of four and two of two) and even include a fire pit and decorative lighting. It may be on the corner of a busy intersection but we think this will make great use of the current space. Here's to hoping all goes well with the city Grandma's... and yes, here is to all Duluthians enjoying a drink on their new patio this summer!

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