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Hello from CDINDULUTH!

We've decided to take a look at CDINDULUTH (hence our recent silence, no we weren't made at you) in order to re-evaluate some particular areas and ultimately to provide you with the best experience. Through our evlaution we have decided to add a new feature to our website that we hope you will enjoy. We're called it FUTURE DULUTH.

We're really excited for this component because we are hoping that it will allow for the citizens of this area to have a voice.

We will post the first FUTURE DULUTH post tomorrow on our website. These articles will focus on certain areas within the city that have seen recent development activity and will basically be editorial articles about our city. That's where you come in.

We really want to begin to incorporate the voice of the citizen more so into our website and we feel that through FUTURE DULUTH we can offer a place for individuals to do so. While we would love to have an open forum for any topic, we will be making sure that posts made will be regarding development.

Essentially what we will be offering is an editorial space for individuals, including ourselves, to be able to post something about to development. Maybe you have really have a positive feeling about a new area in Duluth that you think is going to be the next up and coming area. This is your place to do so. All posts will remain anonymous.

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