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CVS stores in the final strech

We all are well aware of the new comer to the market when it comes to the pharmacy. CVS has been in the news a lot for the past year and half due to their entrance into the Twin Ports market. And it's not a little splash of an entrance, more like a giant cannonball. The company plans to open their first TWO locations in the Twin Ports within the next month.

The first location will be in Duluth on the corner of Grand Avenue and 46th Avenue West (directly across from Walgreen's). If you've been by the site lately you've probably noticed that the building is pretty much done. The parking lot has been blacktopped and striped, landscaping has been completed, and of course the building is having it's final touches put on. This past Monday workers were busy moving the endless loads of stock into the store. Inside the store shelves have been placed, signs hung, and registers installed. Now all that's left is to unpack the endless loads of product and train some employees in. Usually this takes the company about three to four weeks to complete.

The second location will be located in Superior on the corner of Tower Avenue and North 28th Street. The store is identical in size and design to the store in Duluth. As of this past week, workers were busy blacktopping the parking lot in preparation for their opening next month.

Where's the third store? Well... that one has hit some snags. The third CVS will be located in East Duluth on Superior Street and 12th Avenue East where there formerly was a gas station, a few houses, and currently the Plaza Shopping Center's retail center. What's the big hold up? There's an issue regarding a tenant in the building not vacating yet. CVS was succesfully able to pay off most of the tenants to vacate the premises earlier than their terminated lease. Beijing Chinese Restaurant however has decided to stick it out till the end. It's not clear why they won't vacate. Many believe it's due to them not having be able to find a suitable location yet, however the exact truth is not quite known. CVS Pharmacy will however be able to build, they just have to wait until 2014 when the final lease expires.

As for a fourth store. It's rumored (and logical) that CVS Pharmacy is scouting for a location in the Miller Hill Mall area. We'll have news on that later.

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