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Beijing Restaurant holds out in Plaza Shopping Center

And then there was one... The last tenant left in the Plaza Shopping Center (the strip center portion), well at least in May they will be, is the Beijing Restaurant. Great news for Duluthians who love the restaurant, but it puts quite a damper on CVS's plans for the site. Turns out that their plans for the new store may be pushed back as far as 3 years to 2015. The Duluth News Tribune did a nice little article on it... but in their true fashion they kind of made it a bigger deal than it really is. Beijing Restaurant is staying where it are right now not because they refuse to leave, but rather because they are still trying to figure out their plans for when they move. It's not a huge battle going on between CVS and Beijing like the DNT pictures it to be. Beijing even admits that they plan on moving out in June or July. So CVS lovers, don't fret, you'll get your store probably next year, and Beijing lovers, they are working on keeping your favorite chinese food going strong in the city for years to come. This does not set back the other two CVS stores that are being built in West Duluth and Superior. They both will open September.

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