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Aldi plans TWO Twin Ports locations

Looks like Aldi is heading to Duluth and Superior.

We originally posted on the matter of Aldi coming to Duluth on January 24th and you can read the post here along with everything else you could possibly want to know about Aldi. Sadly that post wasn't the happiest of posts.

The subject of Aldi expanding to Duluth was brought to our attention a few months earlier after reports from multiple sources kept saying that the company was looking to expand to the Twin Ports with ultimately three stores. Our sources told us it wasn't a question of "if" Aldi was coming, but more so when. Yet here we are... a year later... and Aldi..less.

Above: Aldi store interior (Image provided by Aldi)

When we approached Aldi's corporate offfices regarding the matter things were quite different as we were told there were no plans for Aldi to expand to Duluth. To be honest, the reps we were speaking to had never even heard of Duluth before and even the real estate department was quick to tell us that at the moment Aldi was "not looking to expand to the Duluth market anytime soon."

Yet recently things appear to have changed.

On November 26th two manager positions were posted for Aldi stores in Duluth and Superior (a special thanks goes out to a CDINDULUTH follower who alerted us!). But wait. If there are job postings... that must mean there needs to be Aldi stores for those jobs to be in. And if there are no Aldi stores in Duluth or Superior.... But wait, could this mean... that... ALDI IS COMING TO THE TWIN PORTS?


While we're still waiting for confirmation from Aldi's corporate headquarters on the exact location of the stores and the timeframe in which they are open it is safe to say that Aldi is in fact coming to the Twin Ports with two locations planned to open most likely within the next year. The moment those manager positions start going up it isn't long after that we begin to see the walls of the stores going up.

As with any type of news, we here at CDINDULUTH will bring you the latest news regarding the topic of Aldi coming to the Twin Ports as soon and as quick as our fingertips can type.

We couldn't be more excited for Aldi to make their way North and promise if you haven't be to a location before, you're in for a treat. After all, all we ever wanted for Christmas was an Aldi store or two.

Love Aldi? Want to work for them? Check out the job postings for Duluth here or Superior here.

Above: Aldi store interior (Image provided by Stewart Builders)

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