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A little bit of information... about the blog this time.

Hello Hello!
So as many of you have noticed, or have been forced to notice, Commercial Developments in Duluth has moved to a new blogging site. The are many reasons for this, but the largest reason for the change is the ability to now involve my readers more into the blog itself. You'll find polls pertaining to posts that are wanting your feedback. You also will find new articles that are gaged towards the readers response. I am interested to hear what people, particularly Duluthians, have to say about certain topics. I do work closely with some retail developers, both large and small, and some area, and national retailers and restaurants. So any input given in this site really helps me, and it will also help out Duluthians to get their voice out there. So please, don't be afraid to vote or post comments within this blog. That's what is meant for! I'd like to take have this blog feature a more conversational side to it. On Wednesdays I am hoping to always be publishing some sort of post that is meant to be discussed among the readers. We will see what happens! But don't fret! You still can count on receiving all your Duluth commercial scene updates here!

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